fait peau neuve et nous offre un nouveau site avec un nouveau design.
Pour cette version qui n’est pas encore officielle, ils lancent aussi une demande de contribution sur
The new relies on beautiful graphics for headers and carousels.
It would be great to see some contribution from the blenderartists community!The Features section also has a new layout and needs good and up-to-date screenshots or examples of the features being described.
What is needed:
High quality images that can fit an horizontal format, at least ~2K width, ~1K height.
These images should easily allow typography overlay (not so cluttered)
Screenshots from different areas featuring the artwork (wireframe models, compositing, image painting, and such).
Unless needed for that specific snap, don’t display just a single model, let’s show that Blender can handle a whole production scene in the same .blend.The screenshots should feature the default theme, for consistency. Is nice to show Blender supports different themes but we can do that specifically.
If anyone is available to help out on this it would be appreciated!
Donc, si vous avez des images qui répondent à ces critères, n’hésitez pas à les proposer 😉