Voici les notes du week-end, pas de traduction aujourd’hui mais si il y a des points obscur les commentaires sont ouverts 🙂 .

Hi all,

Here are the notes from today’s meeting in irc.freenode.net #blendercoders

  1. Migration to git & phabricator
  2. Projects for 2.70
    • Alexander Pinzof added his GSoC work for Laplacian deform modifier.
    • Thomas Beck works on a wireframe modifier, based on Campbell Barton’s mesh operator. A doc and patch will be published soon.
    • Meeting discussed whether we should enable “templates” for startup, or enable having multiple startup.blends to choose from. There are simple solutions for it, but Brecht van Lommel prefers to work on something good. It’s related to our asset browsing project as well. On hold for further investigation.
    • Bastien Montagne works on removing last radians from UI (so UI is degrees everywhere). Note that in code, radians are the default.



Source : Blender nation.

Developer Meeting Notes: November 23, 2013
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